
Performance Audit Coverage Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20

January 2018
The Performance Audit Coverage Plan lists in-progress audits as well as those that the office anticipates starting over the next three years. This year, new performance audit topics include post-secondary student mental health, the RCMP contract, and access to timely cancer care. The office has paused work on seven projects, including the George Massey Tunnel Replacement and the Transportation Investment Corporation due to recent changes in these areas. The office will monitor these projects to determine if further work would add value.

Understanding Our Audit Opinion on B.C.'s 2016/17 Summary Financial Statements

September 2017
Under section 11 (1) of the Auditor General Act, we complete an annual audit of the B.C. government's Summary Financial Statements. At the end of this process, we issue an audit opinion that is published with the financial statements in government's Public Accounts. The opinion says whether or not the financial statements present government's financial position and results for the year fairly, and in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2016/17

July 2017
The annual report on our performance and financial position with accompanying financial statements.

Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20

October 2016
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors. The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for approval.

Performance Audit Coverage Plan 2016/17 - 2018/19

September 2016
A list of 56 performance audit projects that are either in progress or will begin over the next three years. This list is updated every year, and may change if new priorities emerge.

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2015/16

June 2016
The annual report on the Office's performance and financial position with accompanying financial statements.

Service Plan 2016/17 - 2018/19

March 2016
This Service Plan covers the 2016/17 fiscal year, and includes targets through to 2018/19. It provides strategic direction for the Office, and outlines its goals for the coming year and the indicators that will be used to evaluate progress. The performance audit and financial statement audit coverage plans identify the projects that the Office plans to start over the next three years.
